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Le Vernex 9
Les Diablerets
The infrastructure of the SwissMAP Research Station consists of one main lecture hall and two smaller meeting rooms, all located at the second floor of the Hotel Les Sources, where most participants can be accommodated.
The main lecture hall (Salle Glacier) can welcome up to 65 people. It is equipped with 4 black boards, one SmartScreen and an additional screen.
More information on our facilities.
Upcoming Events
- Homological, quantum, and computational methods in low-dimensional topology - 18 January 2026 - 23 January 2026 -
- Quantum correlations and measurements - 1 February 2026 - 6 February 2026 -
- Workshop in Mathematical Physics 2026 - 8 February 2026 - 13 February 2026 -
- Moduli of curves and abelian varieties - 3 May 2026 - 8 May 2026 -
- Summer academy of the Junior Euler Society - 13 May 2026 - 17 May 2026 -
- Advanced Lectures in Physics in Switzerland III - 17 May 2026 - 22 May 2026 -
- Computational Optimization Meets Gradient Flows and Optimal Transport - 24 May 2026 - 29 May 2026 -
- Moduli spaces and graph complexes in algebra, geometry and physics - 31 May 2026 - 5 June 2026 -
- Shuffle algebras and quantum loop groups - 7 June 2026 - 12 June 2026 -
- Groups and Operator Algebras - 14 June 2026 - 19 June 2026 -
- New directions in the large-charge expansion - 21 June 2026 - 26 June 2026 -
- Euler Camp Summer school - 29 June 2026 - 3 July 2026 -
- Regularity theory for evolution equations - 5 July 2026 - 10 July 2026 -
- MAPSS 2026 - 12 July 2026 - 24 July 2026 -
- Quantum Key Distribution Summer School - 16 August 2026 - 21 August 2026 -
- Moduli Spaces, Quantization and Poisson Geometry - 23 August 2026 - 28 August 2026 -
- Elliptics & beyond ’26 - 6 September 2026 - 11 September 2026 -
- Contemporary Trends in Hamiltonian Geometry - 27 September 2026 - 2 October 2026 -
- GeoCoW: Geometry of Complex Webs - 1 November 2026 - 6 November 2026 -