6 September 2026 - 11 September 2026
Organized by
Konstantin Baune (ETH Zurich), Johannes Broedel (ETH Zurich), Federico Zerbini (UNED, Madrid)
Event page & registration
Scattering amplitudes in physics, which predict particle interactions, are calculated by evaluating complicated multidimensional “Feynman integrals”.
Expressing Feynman integrals in terms of known special functions is deeply rewarding: on the one hand, it gives access to alternative representations of the integrals, which may dramatically accelerate numerical computations. On the other hand, algebraic and differential relations among special functions help to shed light on structural properties of scattering amplitudes, such as recursive or double-copy relations.
Systematic computations of Feynman integrals in terms of polylogarithms, which are periods originating from rational curves, marked the beginning of a long and fruitful interaction between the physics and the mathematics community. We are however witnessing an increasing number of Feynman integrals of more complicated geometric nature. A lot of work was recently devoted to the elliptic curve case, where polylogarithms are replaced by “elliptic polylogarithms”. Currently, the field is making the step towards the next simplest classes of Feynman integrals, with underlying geometry given by higher-genus curves or higher-dimensional Calabi-Yau varieties, and a theory of the corresponding special functions is now under development.
Elliptics & beyond ’26 will be the 10th edition of a workshop series dedicated to this subject. It brings together physicists working on quantum field theory or string theory amplitudes and mathematicians working on aspects of these new special functions.
SwissMAP Research Station, Les Diablerets, Switzerland