23 August 2026 - 28 August 2026

Organized by
Anton Alekseev (UNIGE), Henrique Bursztyn (IMPA), Derek Krepski (U. Manitoba), Yiannis Loizides (George Mason U.)

Event page & registration


Many moduli spaces of interest in mathematics and theoretical physics carry rich geometric structures, including symplectic or Poisson structures and their relatives. Quantization of these moduli spaces links to several different areas of mathematics and theoretical physics, giving rise to far-reaching implications. The conference will showcase recent advances in the following areas, and provide opportunities for enriching discussions at their frontiers:

• Moduli spaces of flat connections on surfaces, Quasi-Hamiltonian G-spaces;
• Geometric structures on Lie groupoids, Poisson/Dirac geometry;
• Geometric quantization, gerbes, twisted K-theory, loop groups;
• Hamiltonian Virasoro spaces and Teichmüller theory.

A cross-cutting theme of the meeting is the interplay of higher geometric structures, moduli spaces of geometric structures on surfaces, and their quantizations. The conference also serves as an opportunity to celebrate Eckhard Meinrenken’s 60th birthday, and contemplate the wide ranging impacts of his research in mathematics over the past three decades.

The event will bring together outstanding researchers working at the cutting edge in these areas. There will be talks by junior and senior researchers on recent advances, and survey talks by senior researchers highlighting open questions to inspire and fuel further developments.


SwissMAP Research Station, Les Diablerets, Switzerland