Applications are currently closed.

The call for applications for 2027 will open in spring. More information to follow

The SwissMAP Research Station is committed to providing equal opportunities and supporting female researchers. The SRS gives great importance to the presence of women among both organizers, speakers and participants of its events. 

The SRS also encourages potential organizers to reflect upon their event’s environmental impact.

Evaluation of the proposals is carried out by a Scientific Council composed of the following scientists:

  • Rahel Baumgartner, UNIGE
  • Pr. Denis Bernard, CNRS & LPENS
  • Pr. Giovanni Felder, ETH Zurich
  • Pr. Matthias Gaberdiel, ETH Zurich
  • Pr. Marcos Beiras Mariño, UNIGE
  • Dr. Edward Mazenc, ETH Zurich
  • Pr. Stanislav Smirnov, UNIGE
  • Pr. Chenchang Zhu, Göttingen University

The SRS direction is composed of Pr. Anton Alekseev (UNIGE) and Pr. Renato Renner (ETH Zurich). Dr. Elise Raphael (UNIGE) acts as Scientific Officer and Séverine Gros (UNIGE) as Events Officer.

Conferences, workshops and outreach activities selected out of the open call placed by the SwissMAP Research Station will receive subsidies up to CHF 30’000, covering full board and accommodation for 5 days for approximately 30 people in single rooms (or slightly more with shared accommodation). This support does not cover travel.
For larger events, organizers should provide external funding and/or set up participation fees to cover the extra cost. Exceptions can be made, in particular for outreach events.

Events traditionally start on Monday mornings and end on Friday after lunch, with Sunday evening meal and night included in the offer. Two coffee breaks per day are also provided.
Requests for extended stays and/or persons accompanying conference participants will generate extra cost  that has to be covered by external funding or the participants themselves (details in the proposal template).

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