Quantum Topobology Biennial (QTB): focus on representation theory

(January 14 – January 19, 2024)

Heisenberg homologies of configurations in ribbon graffs

by Christian Blanchet (Université Paris Cité) 


Non-semisimple link and manifold invariants

by Azat Gainutdinov (CNRS)

The center of the small quantum group and affine springer fibers

by Pablo Boixeda Alvarez (Yale University)

Equivariant derived category of a reductive group as a categorical center

by Kostiantyn Tolmachov (University of Edinburgh)

Quantum category O vs affine Hecke category

by Ivan Losev (Yale University)

Spark algebras and quantum groups

by Tudor Dimofte (University of Edinburgh)

Soergel bimodules, matrix factorizations and Hilbert schemes

by Alexei Oblomkov (University of Massachusetts)


Various incarnations of the affine Hecke category 

by Simon Riche (Université Clermont-Auvergne)


by Andrei Negut (MIT)



 From representation theory to topology: there and back again

by Emmanuel Wagner (CNRS)

Bordered-sutured Floer homology as a sutured TQFT

by Jakob Rasmussen (University of Cambridge)  

Categorified traces and colored SL_2 knot homology

by Stephan Wehrli (Syracuse University)