Quantisation of moduli spaces from different perspectives

(September 24 – September 29, 2023)

On the Uses and Applications of Resurgence to String Theory

by Ricardo Schiappa (University of Lisbon) 


Combinatorial quantization and BV structures of moduli of flat connections 1/2

by Anton Alekseev (University of Geneva)

Topological Recursion & Quantum Curves

by Bernard Eynard (IPHT CEA Saclay)

Quantum Analytic Langlands

by Joerg Teischner (University of Hamburg/Desy)

Combinatorial quantization and BV structures of moduli of flat connections 2/2

by Anton Alekseev (University of Geneva)

From the A2 quiver towards the Painlevé I T function

by Tom Bridgeland (University of Sheffield)

Topological Recursion, Resurgence and BPS Structure

by Kohei Iwaki (University of Tokyo)


Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov from quantum isomonodromy

by Gabriele Rembado (University of Bonn)

Geometric Quantization with applications to Moduli Spaces

by Jørgen Andersen (SDU)

Heun connection matrix from Liouville conormal blocks and Darboux theorem

by Oleg Lisovyy (Université de Tours)

Symplectic geometry of the Teichmueller space of hyperbolic 0-metric

by Eckhard Meinrenken (University of Toronto)