21 June 2026 - 26 June 2026

Organized by
Silas Beane (University of Washington), Domenico Orlando (INFN Sezione di Torino), Susanne Reffert (University of Bern)

Event page & registration


Conformal field theories (CFTs) are a powerful tool for describing critical phenomena. While CFTs are highly constrained by symmetry, only in very special cases are exact solutions available. A relatively new tool for describing many-body systems near criticality is the large-charge expansion. This tool allows a systematic computation of the CFT data that is necessary for determining observable quantities, and thus compliments other mathematical tools like the conformal bootstrap. At criticality, the basis of most computations in the large-charge expansion is the state-operator correspondence. The large-charge expansion has a relativistic and a non-relativistic implementation. Non-relativistic conformal invariance, or Schrödinger symmetry, is in a sense richer, and therefore more challenging, than the relativistic case, and is relevant to a different class of critical phenomena, like the unitary Fermi gas and a many-body system of anyons. Making contact between the large-charge expansion and phenomena usually requires the consideration of various deformations of the conformal symmetry, which requires technology going beyond the methods used until now.

In this conference, we would like to collect people working on the large-charge expansion with various scientific backgrounds. As regards format, we aim to make use of the collaborative atmosphere at the SRS and envision hosting up to 30 participants, with a mix of more senior scientists and younger researchers. On a typical day, we plan 2 talks by more senior participants and 2-3 shorter contributed talks by junior participants, leaving plenty of time for interactions and discussions among participants.


SwissMAP Research Station, Les Diablerets, Switzerland