31 August 2025 - 5 September 2025

Organized by
Claire Burrin (UZH), Luis Garcia (UCL), Yingkun Li (TU Darmstadt), Riccardo Zuffetti (TU Darmstadt).

Event page & registration


Modular forms, and more generally automorphic forms, is a classical topic that has been studied since the 19th century. Over time, the subject has evolved into a large research area with unexpected and far-reaching connections to many different domains. Recently, there have been spectacular development and applications such as

• applying non-classical modular forms to investigate problems in combinatorics and algebraic number theory;

• constructing new automorphic forms using generating series of geometric objects and regularized theta integrals to answer questions in algebraic, arithmetic geometry and representation theory;

• breakthroughs in understanding algebraic and analytic properties of various types of L-functions.

The goal of the workshop is to bring together researchers, especially junior ones, in the area of automorphic forms with interests in these directions to disseminate recent research results, exchange ideas and build research networks and collaborations. The workshop will mark the 5th year anniversary of the online “International Seminar on Automorphic Forms” (ISoAF), which started in the spring of 2020.


SwissMAP Research Station, Les Diablerets, Switzerland