19 October 2025 - 24 October 2025
Organized by
Pierre-Alain Cherix (UNIGE), Rémi Coulon (CNRS/Université de Bourgogne), Bruno Duchesne (U. Paris-Saclay), Shaula Fiorelli (UNIGE), Elise Raphael (UNIGE), Alain Valette (UNINE)
Event page & registration
This event would be jointly organized by the “Swiss Mathematical Society”and the “Société Mathématique de France”. The intertwining of research and outreach is a deeply federating topic for both mathematical societies, and will allow researchers from all fields to join.
We propose a conference enabling researchers to create outreach content from their own research, and experience what outreach can give back to research. Highlights of the conference will include
• Plenary lectures given by well-known mathematicians with a successful experience in outreach and brilliant outreach specialists whose work gave rise to publications in mathematics
• A discussion panel with researchers and outreach actors
• Long workshops guided by researchers and outreach actors working together, covering different medias: talks, articles, video, podcast, hands-on activities.
Public recognition of important mathematical achievements such as the Fields medal or the Abel prize require efforts from the mathematical community to explain the results and fields of research. Hugo Duminil-Copin, who spent a large part of the last year presenting his research to a wide variety of audiences and medias, illustrates extremely well the importance of communicating mathematics to a large public. He agreed to be the patron of this event and will be one of our plenary speakers.
This event will be open to registration to mathematicians from all fields of research and career levels. Selected outreach actors will be invited as experts.
SwissMAP Research Station, Les Diablerets, Switzerland