Analytic techniques in Dynamics and Geometry

(May 28 – June 2, 2023)

Zeta functions for Anosov diffeomorphisms, flows and actions 

by Mark Pollicott (University of Warwick)

Random-like properties of chaotic forcing

by Paolo Giulietti (University of Pisa)

Renormalization for nilflows and Weyl sums

by Giovanni Forni (University of Maryland) 

Uniqueness of the measure of maximal entropy for geodesic flows on surfaces with caps

by Keith Burns (Northwestern University)

Poincaré series and linking of Legendrian knots

by Gabriel Rivière (CNRS)

Delocolazitation of the Laplace eigenmodes on Anosov surfaces

by Stéphane Nonnenmacher (Université Paris-Saclay)

Mode stability and shallow quasinormal modes of Kerr-de Sitter black holes

by Peter Hintz (ETH Zurich)

The Feynman propagator and self-adjointness

by Andras Vasy (Stanford University)

Factorization of the Calderón problem through the Born approximation

by Fabricio Macià (UPM)

Some relationship between classical and quantum dynamics

Frédéric Faure (Institut Fourier)

Quasiperiodicity and chaos in the incompressible Euler equation

by Francisco Torres de Lizaur (University of Seville)

Virtually expanding dynamics

Masato Tsujii (Kyushu University)

Prevalence of exponential mixing of Anosov flows

by Zhuyuan Zhang (Université Paris 13)

The Lorentzian scattering rigidity problem and rigidity of stationary metrics

by Plamen Stefanov (Purdue University)

Resonant forms at zero for dissipative Anosov flows

by Gabriel P. Paternain (University of Cambridge)

Marked length spectrum rigidity for surfaces with Anosov geodesic flows

by Colin Guillarmou (Université Paris-Saclay)

Lorentzian Calderón problem under curvature bounds

by Lauri Oksanen (University of Helsinki)

Ruelle-Taylor resonances for higher rank Anosov actions

by Tobias Weich (University of Paderborn)

Geodesic Levy Flight and Foraging Hypothesis

Leo Tzou (University of Amsterdam)

Exponential mixing of frame flows for geometrically finite hyperboloy manifolds

by Jialun Li (CNRS)

Closed geodesics and intersection numbers

Yann Chaubet (Université Paris-Saclay)

Open Problems session