Differentiable Stacks, Poisson Geometry and related geometric structures

(February 6 – 11, 2022)

Poisson structures from corners of field theories,

by Alberto Cattaneo (UZH)


Minicourse on stacks in algebraic geometry vs differential geometry Session 1,

by Pavel Safronov (University of Edinburgh)

The Fukaya category of the log symplectic sphere,

by Charlotte Kirchhoff-Lukat (MIT)

Lie groupoids and differential equations,

by Francis Bischoff (University of Oxford)

Deformations of symplectic foliations, 

by Marco Zambon (KU Leuven)


Quantization and integrability,

by Alejandro Cabrera, (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)

Minicourse on stacks in algebraic geometry vs differential geometry Session 2,

by Pavel Safronov (University of Edinburgh)

Weil algebras for double Lie algebroids,

by Eckard Meinrenken (University of Toronto)


Lie groupoid cohomology relative to a Lie subgroupoid,

by Maria Amelia Salazar (Universidade Federal Fluminense)

Diffeological groupoids and their Lie algebroids,

by Christian Blohmann (MPIM)

Classification of stacky vector bundles,

by Mathias Del Hoyo (Universidade Federal Fluminense)

m-shifted symplectic Lie groupoids,

by Miquel Cueca (University of Göttingen)

Differentiation of Lie n-groupoids,

by Chenchang Zhu (University of Göttingen)

Compatibility of Nijenhuis operators with various structures,

by Thiago Drummond, (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)

Symplectic gerbes or symplectic foliations,

by Marius Crainic (Utrecht University)

Dirac reduction and shifted symplectic geometry,  

by Maxence Mayrand

(University of Toronto)


What is a Poisson structure on a differentiable stack,

by Camille Laurent-Gengoux (University of Lorraine)