1 June 2025 - 6 June 2025

Organized by
Rahul Pandharipande (ETH Zurich), Andras Szenes (University of Geneva)

Event page & registration


The HAGS started in 2013, and has been a major cohesive activity in Algebraic Geometry in Switzerland ever since. The core of the workshop is 3-4 lecture series given by top experts in the eld, which are complemented by colloquium style talks and contributions from junior participants.

The theme for 2025:

  • New construction of cohomology classes of Mg via graph cohomologies
  • Calabi-Yau 4-folds via algebraic methods
  • New developments in Log-geometry

These topics are loosely related, and have been developing rapidly in the past few years. Bringing the experts of these different fields will highly beneficial, and the lecture series can serve as an introduction to these central themes of modern geometry for all (but especially the junior) the participants. Traditionally we invite speakers in a theme outside of our central domain of research. For this workshop, we propose New invariants in birational geometry.


SwissMAP Research Station, Les Diablerets, Switzerland